Just like you change your wardrobe for summer, your bedroom “wardrobe” needs a little lightening up, too! Here are ten easy summer bedroom ideas to get you ready for warmer weather.
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10 Summer Bedroom Ideas
1. Change Linens on the Bed
Take off heavy comforters and blankets. I take off some pillows, too. I keep a throw because our kitty loves to lay on the bed and I don’t want fur all over. Throws are much easier to wash. Plus, when Bikeman turns the AC down I can pull it over me. But I do switch to a lighter color.
2. Keep it Light
We’re talking color and weight here. I have two sets of sheets that we use in the summer. (Just in case something comes up while our favorite set is in the wash and I don’t get them finished before night.) Our favorite look in the summer is WHITE! White sheets, white pillowcases, white (lightweight) blanket, and a vintage white chenille bedspread.
Parachute provided me with some of these photos and have a great selection of luxury bedding. I also enjoy their post, especially the post about sleeping without a top sheet. Something I didn’t realize so many people did.
Photo used by permission from parachutehome.com
I’ve had great luck with finding vintage white sheets and pillowcases at thrift stores. When I bring them home I wash them in hot water with bleach and dry them on high for at least 40 minutes. (And no bedbugs so far!)
Our second set of sheets includes a vintage floral fitted sheet! I think two sheets with this pattern would be overwhelming. But one floral sheet is fun. I match it up with more white sheets and solid pillowcases. As you can tell, I don’t like matching, so I don’t usually buy sheet or comforter sets.
3. Take Advantage of the Light
We don’t get a lot of light in our bedroom, as we only have one window. Sometimes I change the curtains to a lighter color. Other years I’ve just gone without for the summer to get as much light as possible. (This also helps us to get up earlier because it’s light EARLY!)
If you need to sleep later I would recommend using a lighter color blackout curtain or shade.
4. Lighten Up the Floors, Too
A while back we replaced our bedroom carpet with vinyl planks that look like wood. I still haven’t shared that on the blog but you can see what it looks like in our hall HERE. Most of the time we have rugs throughout the bedroom and hall but for the summer I take them up so I can enjoy the cool floor.
5. Move the Air
We have a fan in our bedroom all year long, mainly for the background noise. But if you don’t it helps to have it going in the room even if it’s not pointed right on you. A vintage or vintage-style oscillating fan is even better!
More summer bedroom ideas…
6. Remove as Much as Possible…
Take a good look at the tchotchkes in the room. Pack up some things and store them away ’til fall. Again, think light!
7. …Then Add a Few Things Back. Including Vintage Pieces
Add a few things that remind you of summer. A jar of shells from your visits to the beach, let the light shine through old bottles in a window, a stack of old books on your nightstand, globe, or a vintage fan. (Which always reminds me of spending the night at my grandmother’s house in the summer!)
Photo used by permission from parachutehome.com
8. Add Plants or Flowers
If you’re lucky enough to have a fireplace in your bedroom fill it up with plants for the summer! There are a few houseplants that can get by with lower light. If you have a black thumb just get some nice fake plants… no one but you will know the difference! I have a pothos that does amazing with just the light from our one window.
9. Add Summer Color
As I mentioned, we use a lot of white in the summer. But that makes it super easy to add color. You can easily add a US flag pillow between Memorial Day and the 4th of July, a striped crochet throw at the end of the bed, a floral print sheet, or colored pillowcases.
Pillows are a great way to use vintage fabrics, too! You can make a big statement with just a little bold fabric.
10. Add Summer Sounds
I just recently discovered white noise machines when we stayed at an Airbnb in Bend, Oregon. As the homeowner was showing us around I could hear the birds chirping outside. At least I thought it was outside until she showed us that we could change the sounds to the beach, rain, or jungle. Right now I think the rain sounds would be very relaxing and cooling. (It was only 110 degrees on our patio yesterday!)
Do you update your bedroom for the summer? Share your summer bedroom ideas in the comments. Originally published Jul 17, 2015. Featured on The Thrifty Couple, Summer Home Updates
‘Til the next project,
Kathy A says
When I was growing up, my mother always had summer and winter curtains, s& w slipcovers, etc. I did for years but slowly got out of the habit altho I still tend to use lighter curtains in the summer; all the GREEN of the summer leaves darkens my house a lot. I love patriotic colors from May through August, then start with some fall colors. By the way, I finally found my first jewelry box to redo! A whole dollsr!
ducttapeanddenim says
What a great deal!!! Have fun with it.
Libby says
Thanks so much for the post.Much thanks again. Really Cool.viagra
Mother of 3 says
Great ideas! I have been looking for a new comforter for our bed for summer. Pinned.
Emma says
Great tips! I trade out my curtains in the summer too, but I actually put up heavier curtains to block some of the light at night and in the mornings. I just can’t sleep if it’s too bright out! I also feel like my house gets really musty in the winter with all the doors and windows closed all the time, so I clean the house from top to bottom, get the carpets cleaned and then leave the windows open. It makes the house feel so much cleaner and happier.
Sheri says
Great tips! Thanks for sharing at the To Grandma’s House We Go DIY, Crafts, Recipes and More Wednesday Link Party. Pinned!