My kids were little when I first started collecting Thanksgiving poems. Most of the poems and stories I found were very serious. But they enjoyed these fun Thanksgiving poems for kids the most… hope you and your kids do, too!
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Scripture Reading
We ought always to give thanks to God for you, brethren, as is only fitting, because your faith is greatly enlarged, and the love of each one of you toward one another grows ever greater; 2 Thessalonians 1:3 (NASB)
Fun Thanksgiving Poems for Kids
A Thanksgiving Fable, by Oliver Herford
It was a hungry pussy cat,
upon Thanksgiving morn,
And she watched a thankful little mouse,
that ate an ear of corn.
‘If I ate that thankful little mouse,
how thankful he should be,
When he had made a meal himself,
to make a meal for me!
Then with his Thanks for having fed,
and thanks for feeding me.
With all his thankfulness inside,
how thankful I shall be!’
Thus mused the hungry pussy cat,
upon Thanksgiving Day.
But the little mouse had overheard
and declined (with thanks) to stay.
Something to be Thankful For by Clara J. Denton
I’m glad that I am not today
A chicken or a goose,
Or any other sort of bird
That is of any use.I’d rather be a little girl,
Although ‘ts very true,
The things I do not like at all,
I’m often made to do.I’d rather eat some turkey than
To be one, thick and fat,
And so, with all my heart, today,
I’ll thankful be for that.
Here are a few more. These are newer and copyrighted so I can’t print the text here. Enjoy!
- Funny Turkey and Thanksgiving Dinner
- Albuquerque Turkey
- Turkey and Dressing
- I’m Glad I’m Not a Turkey
- Six Little Turkeys
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- If you’ve got kids, start a Thanksgiving ABC book with them. Each page will be a letter of the alphabet. Write one thing they’re thankful for and let them illustrate it.
- If you don’t have kids at home, write your own Thanksgiving ABC list… illustrate it if you want.
- Share your book/list with someone.
- Come over to our Facebook group and share photos of your ABC books with us!
Ann @ Duct Tape and Denim
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