Don’t worry, Maowie wasn’t harmed in the photography for this blog.
It’s always interesting to shop with family members! My daughter was home from college last week. She’ll be moving into a new apartment at the end of the semester and needed some new furniture so we hit some thrift stores to see what we could find.
I guess I should first tell you that I bought her some furniture a few weeks ago and stored it in our dining room. One day I came home from work and the music man had rearranged our living room and included “her” furniture.
First stop, Salvation Army. Just some baskets for her and some things for me to paint and display in the shop. So the Music Man went outside to wait on the sidewalk while we checked out. Next thing I hear from another customer, “Is that your husband waving at you?” An employee had just unloaded a gorgeous old cabinet and he was standing in front of it trying to get my attention before anyone else got to it. Oh, did I mention it was half price day too? And that the cabinet wouldn’t fit into the jeep with all 3 of us in it?
Stopped at Goodwill on the way home where DD fell in love with a beautiful French Provencial dresser with a price tag of $99.99 but needed a paint job. While we were standing in front of it the manager came by and said she’d give it to us for $69.99. I inspected it. It looked sturdy. I guess I didn’t look like I was interested since she quickly changed the price to $49.99. How could we pass that up? It wouldn’t fit into the Jeep either. Now we had 2 pieces of furniture to pick up. So we drove home, got another vehicle, the Music Man went to pick up the cabinet, DD & I went to get the dresser.
While we were there, a phone call. Did you know the back of a jeep isn’t 43″ wide?. So we made a small donation to the Salvation Army and they delivered it directly to our house. Yay!
Sunday DD got to take the first dresser AND the new one back to Chico. And believe it or not… She got them both in the back of a PT Cruiser! She took a picture just to prove it. Now she just has to paint them.
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